Friday, 1 February 2013

Individual Edit

This is a screen shot of me editing my own individual edit, in order to help me develop my skills on final cut, i stepped away from my group to see what i could create on my own. I am please with my edit, although it does not have the final sound or titles in it yet, i have colour graded it, cut shots, controlled the pace and changed it to create suspense, cut shots together in order to create match on actions and shot reverse shot and most importantly i made sure the shots were all correct and followed continuity. Below is my final edit;


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. B1
    A good use of editing to make the story flow, starts slow and establishes character with continuity. 1 minute in you need to pick up the pace - it is painfully slow during the phone call in the coffee bar, you can loose 55 seconds just here. You could use some shots of the girl actually being kidnapped here after the call. Very slow during the threatening phone call - this is the most tense bit - it really needs some faster cuts. If you need to cut away to fill in the time to leaving starbucks maybe use the London eye here.

    Overall has clear and suspenseful storytelling, subtle Grading creates the appropriate Thriller but this needs to be more stark in the street scenes - it is far too bright.
    To improve
    Where will your titles go? What foley do you need?
